accesso Client Seminar 2019: A Mile-High Myriad of Classes to Explore

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend a software conference in New York City. Needless to say, it was an incredible opportunity to learn, meet new people and explore the city that never sleeps. I realized though, that outside of helping/teaching at the accesso Client Seminar, I had not attended a peer conference for over a decade. That 10-year hiatus was deeply felt in how refreshed, energized and informed I was after the last day. I also realized just how much I had to learn, and that, in honesty, was daunting, but also exciting.
I had a similar experience to many of our own accesso Client Seminar attendees, in that I inherited software that I could basically use, but not fully employ. The classes and one-on-one sessions with an expert opened a door to how I could be using the software and it was exciting. At our accesso Client Seminar, we select our classes and sessions to provide the same kind of “A-ha!” moments that I experienced a few weeks ago. This year will be no exception. With a back-drop of the Rocky Mountains in the distance, the accesso team plans to offer a variety of classes, built to suit a variety of attendees. This year we will offer the following set tracks:
Beginner – Basics and Introductory Sessions
Our Beginner track is perfect for new members of your team or, as in my case, a team member that has been using the software and would like more formal training on the basics. Classes include our accesso Siriusware Basics track covering setup through closeout procedures and in-depth introductions to several standalone modules (Food & Beverage, Private Instruction, Memberships & Passes, etc.). These classes provide a solid introduction to the main use of accesso software. In addition, these classes provide the necessary training for a system administrator to be considered certified in using the software.
Intermediate/Advanced – Advanced Topics, Problem Solving, Updating and In-depth Discovery
One of the key elements to retaining satisfaction in your career is continued learning. The accesso Client Seminar provides a wonderful opportunity to enhance and learn new skills. Our Intermediate and Advanced classes offer a deep dive and elaborate on a variety of modules. Perhaps you recently made the switch to accesso Passport eCommerce and would like to deep dive into the setup for specific types of products or maybe you want to earn the title of accesso Siriusware eCommerce Jedi Master. There is a class that will challenge you, create interest and perhaps help to streamline an operational mystery back at your venue.

Informative – What’s New Updates, Demos and Intros to Other accesso Solutions
Keeping guests happy is extremely valuable to every venue, no matter the market; however, with so many factors that comprise the guest experience, it can be challenging to identify the areas your venue can and should be focusing on. From eCommerce to global distribution, accesso's robust portfolio of solutions aims to support venues in their never-ending quest to increase revenue while streamlining processes for venue operators and providing a better experience for guests. Our “What’s New” updates provide a high-level overview of what our team has been working on for each solution. Be sure to check out these sessions to keep your team informed on all accesso can do for your venue.
This year in particular, with the arrival of the accesso Siriusware 5.0 Control release, attendees can learn how to utilize this new user-friendly feature alongside other clients who will be making the transition. The seminar will offer a variety of classes introducing changes from the older SysManager application to the new Control interface. These classes will range from beginner to advanced. Classes will cover everything from reporting to setting and forgetting black-out dates. If you are interested in making the transition to this new, mobile and remote-friendly back-office tool, be sure not to miss these classes.
Time With An Expert (TWAE) – One-on-One Meeting with an Expert to Discuss Your Topic
I had the opportunity to sit down and work with an expert at the conference I attended. This allowed me to find answers to questions, learn how to better use the software and try out some new products, all in a short meeting. Similarly, the accesso Client Seminar offers Time With an Expert (TWAE for short). Every year, this is one of the most well-received and popular events at accesso Client Seminar. This is your opportunity to meet one-on-one with one of our expert customer services specialists to discuss all your most challenging software questions

Roundtables & Panels – Open Forum Style Workshops
In addition to TWAE, our 2019 accesso Client Seminar will offer a variety of roundtable and panel sessions geared toward client markets, module specifics and informational sessions. These intimate discussions allow participants to voice any questions they might have, as well as listen to what concerns other venues have had and how it was solved for them. This gives teams the ability to hear what is happening with other clients in their market in a more relaxed and conversational atmosphere.
Our roundtable sessions and panels are always extremely popular because they facilitate open dialogue, creative problem-solving and networking. One of our attendees from last year commented that “The best thing about Accesso Client Seminar is learning new things and being able to network with other users. The amount of knowledge that I receive is amazing!”
Partner Sessions
In addition to the tracks listed above, we also welcome many of our valued partners throughout the hardware and software industries to meet face-to-face with clients who are interested in learning about their products and services. Stop by one of their displays in-between classes or attend one of our partner sessions to learn more. Check out our Client Seminar website to see who is coming this year!
Don’t Miss Out – Register Now!
While seminars and conferences offer the opportunity to explore cool cities and meet with colleagues, they also allow you to explore new software, master modules and bring back newfound energy to your organization. Our accesso Client Seminar provides your team amazing opportunities to learn while having an unforgettable week soaking in breathtaking mountain views at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel. The value of meeting face-to-face with software experts is not an opportunity you want to miss, so register today!
If you have questions about our accesso Client Seminar, email [email protected]. We hope to see you in Denver this September.

Jennifer Roth - Proposal Manager
Jennifer joined accesso in 2011, bringing her passion for software and writing to the team along with her extensive knowledge of the cultural and non-profit industries. She began her career as a professional archaeologist (à-la Indiana Jones but with more technical writing and a lot less fortune and glory) before managing several museums including the first hands-on history children’s museum in the country and a National Park Service historic site dedicated to Abraham Lincoln’s Stay in Gettysburg. When she’s not writing technical documents or winning proposals for us, she enjoys hiking, yoga, knitting, working on the next great American novel and relaxing at home with her family.