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Welcome to an inside look at the accesso® Knowledge Base!

The accesso Knowledge Base is an easily searchable, dynamic, interactive online document repository designed specifically for use by accesso clients. From product installation and configuration to daily use and troubleshooting, the Knowledge Base is a central hub of information on each of accesso’s platforms and services—ticketing, virtual queuing, distribution, guest experience, payment services, reporting, and more. You’ll find it all in the Knowledge Base

8 Ticketing Tools for Giving Back

The season for giving back is especially meaningful this year, with COVID-19 taking a dramatic toll on people and organizations around the world. Whether your venue has been able to reopen or not, you can look to the tools in your ticketing system to help you recapture revenue and engage with your audience. Read on to discover 8 ticketing tools for giving back. No matter your industry, our feature-rich solutions are here to help support your venue’s efforts to boost fundraising initiatives this year!

Tips for Reopening with accesso Siriusware

Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic has been no small feat for attractions around the world. While some museums, zoos, aquariums and institutions have not yet been able to safely reopen, it’s encouraging to hear success stories from those who have been able to reconfigure their operations to support safe social distancing. We asked Louis Aguila, Director of Product Management for our accesso Siriusware point of sale ticketing solution, to share insight into how our clients are using our technology to operate safely in a COVID environment. Watch our video and read on to learn best practices, tips for using existing accesso Siriusware modules and new enhancements that can help you during this challenging time.

Creating a Seamless Visitor Journey in the Age of Coronavirus

With the escalation and continued risks of COVID-19, the traditional process of visiting museums and cultural attractions has transformed in many ways. As visitor-facing sites are beginning to reopen, many are finding that they have to rethink the visitor journey end-to-end in order to facilitate a seamless, contactless experience.

Ski Tips for Reopening: Your Guide to "Snow Worries" on Opening Day

Preparing to reopen your resort in the midst of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic is no small task. At acces­so, we’ve been work­ing dili­gent­ly to help our ski clients around the world plan for a safe, efficient and successful reopening. Watch as acces­so Sales Direc­tor Phil Schwartz takes us through the top three things that ski areas should be thinking about leading into this year’s ski season, and read on for your guide to “snow worries” on opening day!

7 Reasons to Stop Selling Ticket Vouchers and Switch to An API

A ticket is one of a venue’s most prized possessions. Every single ticket represents an opportunity to provide a memorable experience to a consumer, and every ticket sale gets you one step further to a sold-out show. Working with distributors and promoters can be an amazing way to push that last bit of ticket inventory over the threshold and reach new audiences, but if you’re using ticket vouchers or bulk tickets, have you considered all of the risks? Read on to discover seven reasons why you should stop selling ticket vouchers, and how you can do so without disrupting your valuable partnerships.

Client-Driven Development and 3 New accesso Siriusware Features

As a member of the QA team at accesso, I spend most of my time testing enhancements and fixes that are requested or suggested by our clients for our accesso Siriusware POS software. It‘s rewarding to help our clients with these specific requests, and often, the resulting improvement is something that all clients can utilize. Here’s a glimpse into client-driven development and three recent features that have come about as a result of requests from our customers.

**accesso** Webinar Series: Sell More With Our Dynamic Pricing Calendar!

accesso Webinar Series: Sell More With Our Dynamic Pricing Calendar!

Our accesso Siriusware solution’s Dynamic Pricing eCommerce Calendar works with capacity-based pricing rules to help increase revenue and drive attendance, all within a compact and easily-visualized monthly calendar view. Phil Schwartz, accesso Siriusware Inside Sales Director, recently presented a webinar on this new offering and the benefits it provides to both venues and guests.

**accesso** Webinar Series Presents: Simplify and Streamline Your Rentals Process with our **accesso Siriusware** Solution.

accesso Webinar Series Presents: Simplify and Streamline Your Rentals Process with our accesso Siriusware Solution.

Your guests don’t enjoy waiting, so accelerate their experience with technology designed with your ski venue in mind! The accesso Siriusware rentals module offers a variety of helpful and easy-to-use features to make the rentals process speedy and seamless for your guests, so they can get out on the mountain and enjoy the day. Watch our webinar to learn how to simplify and streamline your rentals process!

**accesso** Webinar Series Presents: Give Your Guests Financial Flexibility with our **accesso Siriusware** Payment Plans Module.

accesso Webinar Series Presents: Give Your Guests Financial Flexibility with our accesso Siriusware Payment Plans Module.

For your guests, visiting your venue might be a big investment - one they plan carefully and save up for over time. How can you help to ease the burden of cost for your guests so they can stress less, enjoy more, come back more often and have a better experience overall? Payment plans are the easy answer, and they can be surprisingly simple and easy to implement. Watch our webinar to learn more!

**accesso** Webinar Series Presents: The Latest in Ski Industry Innovations from **accesso**.

accesso Webinar Series Presents: The Latest in Ski Industry Innovations from accesso.

Ski resorts face a unique set of operational challenges, from managing customer data throughout a visit to ensuring guests have quick and easy access to the gear and services they require. With over 20 years of experience in ski, accesso truly understands the unique needs of ski areas. Watch our webinar to learn about our recent innovations for the ski industry!

**accesso** Webinar Series Presents: The Latest in Museum Management Innovations from **accesso**.

accesso Webinar Series Presents: The Latest in Museum Management Innovations from accesso.

Cultural institutions and museums provide mind-opening experiences to guests every day, but it can be challenging to extend that wonder and awe into your technology solutions. At accesso, we understand the importance of building strong, lasting relationships with your visitors to earn their loyalty and convert those casual guests into lifelong members and donors. Watch our webinar to learn more about our recent innovations for museums and cultural institutions!