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Partner Content Spotlight - Protecht

Protecht Inc. is proud to be accesso’s official protection partner. Join accesso’s growing list of respected clients such as the Washington State Fair, ShoWare Center, and Drum Corps International, among others, who benefit from Protecht’s ticket protection widget, FanShield.

Partner Content Spotlight - Digonex

Digonex CEO Greg Loewen will explore the emerging adoption of dynamic pricing for attractions and also address the ways in which many leading ones have leveraged dynamic pricing to accelerate their recovery from the pandemic.

accesso Client Seminar 2022 Sponsor Spotlight - Alvarado

Partner Content Spotlight - Alvarado

Partnering with Alvarado just got better. As part of dormakaba Group, one of the world’s premier companies for entry, security, and sustainability, Alvarado now offers more extensive support, an expanded product line, a wealth of insight and customizable solutions.

Partner Content Spotlight - Accertify

Accertify, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Express, is a leading provider of fraud prevention, digital identity, device intelligence, chargeback management, and payment gateway solutions to customers spanning diverse industries worldwide, including the world’s largest theme parks.

Snowboarders posing for a silly photo together in the snow

More with Less: Transformative Tech to Empower Small Staff

Last week, our team attended the highly anticipated Midwest Ski Areas Association (MSAA) 2022 Summer Meeting & Trade Show. Check out a recap of our educational session, “More with Less: Transformative Tech to Empower Small Staff”!

Introducing: Virtual Queuing in 60 Seconds

At accesso®, we know the power virtual queuing holds. With the right virtual queue management system in place, operators can free guests from long, unnecessary lines and reap the benefits: happier guests, smoother operations and boosted revenue

Navigating a Successful Renewal Season

Every year, live entertainment venues work diligently to get their patrons renewed and onboard for another year of can’t-miss programming, and that time has come once again! Bringing loyal patrons and excited newcomers together is a thrilling time for any operator, but one that comes with its fair share of challenges.

Behind the Screen Patron Identity Cybersecurity in 2022 and Beyond

Our team was excited to be back in person for this year’s INTIX Annual Conference – the biggest annual event for ticketing professionals – earlier this year. Our own Director, Global Payments Michael Wiggins took the stage alongside colleagues from Accertify and accesso ShoWareSM Center to present an educational session on cybersecurity, “Behind the Screen: Patron Identity and Cybersecurity in 2022 and Beyond.”

What is Virtual Queuing and How Does it Work?

Virtual queuing solutions can go by many names. Whether you call it a line management system or a virtual queue management suite, the benefits are the same: getting guests out of line and into more enjoyable experiences—resulting in higher NPS scores, new revenue streams, and more repeat visits! Watch our video to learn more about our accesso LoQueue® virtual queuing solutions and how virtual queuing works.

Partner Content Spotlight - Digonex: The Value and Impact of Dynamic Pricing in the New Era

Pricing strategy is undoubtedly a critical and powerful component of any business strategy. Yet, many organizations still utilize a fairly simple, static pricing strategy driven by past practice and “gut feel” instead of utilizing the best available data and analytical tools. How much money is being left on the table by not adopting more innovative pricing strategies? Can new pricing strategies help to address other key strategic and operational goals?

Partner Content Spotlight - CyberSource

CyberSource is a global, modular payment management platform built on secure Visa infrastructure with the benefits and insights of a vast $546 billion global processing network. The solution helps businesses operate with agility and reach digital commerce goals by enhancing customer experience, growing revenues and mitigating risk.

Partner Content Spotlight - Protecht

Protecht’s award-winning embedded widget makes it simple to protect what matters. We combine best-in-class insurance coverage with smart, secure technology to put peace of mind in the palm of your hands. This video provides valuable insight into how implementing Protecht into your checkout flow enhances the attendee, ticketer, event organizer, and insurer experience.

Partner Content Spotlight - DataWorks: Advanced Retail Procurement and Analytics

With DataWorks retail system interfaced to the accesso Siriusware POS system, accesso clients can benefit from the features and capabilities of DataWorks’ dedicated retail system used in Zoos, Aquariums, Museums and Amusement Parks. Learn how the two systems seamlessly work together and how DataWorks can empower your retail organization with the tools to manage complex procurement and replenishment needs. Highlights include warehouse management, AI-enabled replenishment, advanced budgeting analytics and a demonstration of how mobile workflow can coordinate a team’s decision-making process.

Partner Content Spotlight - Alvarado: Controlling the Chaos with Smart Technology

As limits on capacity continue to ease and guests are welcomed back, the ability to configure entry areas to minimize personal interactions, support social distancing and provide a safe, secure, and hygienic experience for both guests and staff will be imperative.

From implementing flexible self-scanning options for touch-free entry, to leveraging dynamic information obtained from ticketing systems to drive customized audio and visual greetings, Alvarado’s capabilities open-up a whole new world of possibilities for venues.

In this seminar, Alvarado discusses the roles that turnstiles and smart technology play in controlling and transforming guest entry in both pre- and post-pandemic times.

accesso Learning Series: Enhancing the Guest Experience with Timed Ticketing for Zoos

For zoo-goers, being able to view and purchase packages beforehand can allow them the time to plan out their day. Enter accesso Passport®, our award-winning eCommerce suite. Built with functionality and flexibility in mind, your guests will be flocking (like flamingoes) to your venue in no time. Interested in learning more? Check out George Hambleton’s newest deminar outlining all the benefits of our powerful accesso Passport software here.

Watch: 5 Features to Support Reopening in 2021

Last month, we intro­duced you to five essen­tial box office tick­et­ing soft­ware fea­tures to help your venue reopen safe­ly, starting with our new Live Stream­ing inte­gra­tion then mov­ing onto Spaced Seat­ing. Next, we cov­ered a great way to boost patron loy­al­ty and keep funds in-house with Online Patron Cred­its. Then, acces­so Sales Engi­neer Mis­sy Cham­ber­lain walked venue operators through using Themes for Con­tact Trac­ing, and for our final install­ment, we are focus­ed on keeping your guests informed with a new area for Spe­cial Mes­sag­ing with­in the acces­so ShoWare plat­form.

5 Features to Support Reopening in 2021: Special Messaging

Ticketing has never been a “one size fits all” approach, and this is especially true in the age of the coronavirus. Does your box office ticketing software give you the tools you need to serve your guests successfully? Our white label accesso ShoWare box office ticketing software is highly flexible to meet the evolving needs of your venue during this uncertain time, and we’ve released several new enhancements over the past year to support your ability to reopen safely. For the final installment in our “5 Features to Support Reopening,” we are focusing on Special Messaging. Watch as accesso Sales Engineer Missy Chamberlain introduces a new area for Special Messaging within the accesso ShoWare platform that can help you keep your guests informed.

5 Features to Support Reopening in 2021: Themes for Contact Tracing

Over the past few weeks, we’ve introduced you to three essential box office ticketing software features that can help your venue reopen safely. We started with our exciting new Live Streaming integration before moving onto Spaced Seating, and last week, we covered a great way to boost patron loyalty and keep funds in-house with Online Patron Credits. Watch as accesso Sales Engineer Missy Chamberlain covers Themes for Contact Tracing in our next deminar video, and read on to see how useful this can be for your venue!

5 Features to Support Reopening in 2021: Online Patron Credits

We believe that technology should give you the tools you need to solve problems—not create them. Our highly customizable accesso ShoWare box office ticketing software is packed with the features you need to sell tickets, maximize revenue and serve guests safely during this challenging time. For the next piece in our “5 Features to Support Reopening” series, we are introducing you to the Online Patron Credit Functionality in our accesso ShoWare ticketing system. Watch our video presented by accesso Sales Engineer Missy Chamberlain or read on to learn more.

5 Features to Support Reopening in 2021: Spaced Seating

In our “5 Features to Support Reopening” series, we are exploring five features within our accesso ShoWare box office ticketing platform that can help your venue reopen safely and successfully. We debuted our exciting new Live Streaming functionality last week, and are now switching gears to an essential feature that was released earlier this year: Spaced Seating. Watch our deminar video presented by accesso Sales Engineer Missy Chamberlain or read on to learn more.

5 Features to Support Reopening in 2021: Live Streaming

Watch and learn about the new live streaming feature for our accesso ShoWare box office ticketing solution! See how you can increase revenue and offer your patrons the ability to safely view your performances without taking a seat in your theatre.

Tips for Reopening with accesso Siriusware

Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic has been no small feat for attractions around the world. While some museums, zoos, aquariums and institutions have not yet been able to safely reopen, it’s encouraging to hear success stories from those who have been able to reconfigure their operations to support safe social distancing. We asked Louis Aguila, Director of Product Management for our accesso Siriusware point of sale ticketing solution, to share insight into how our clients are using our technology to operate safely in a COVID environment. Watch our video and read on to learn best practices, tips for using existing accesso Siriusware modules and new enhancements that can help you during this challenging time.

Watch: Safe Visits Without A Ticket Counter - How To Shift Sales Online Successfully

There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has forced venue oper­a­tors to have some dif­fi­cult con­ver­sa­tions over the past few months. While the answers often vary by indus­try, there’s one con­stant we’ve seen across all venues: in order to protect staff and guests, venues are embrac­ing online tick­et­ing as their dom­i­nant sales chan­nel. Is your venue ready to make your eCommerce store your dominant sales channel? It may seem like a daunt­ing process, but it doesn’t have to be! By fol­low­ing these best prac­tices, you can prime your eCom­merce store for suc­cess, safe­ly serve your guests, unlock new oppor­tu­ni­ties for max­i­miz­ing rev­enue and trans­form the guest experience.

Watch: 4 Leisure-Industry Predictions For The New Age of Social Distancing

We are all enter­ing an age that rede­fines the norms to which all of us had become accus­tomed. Guest expec­ta­tions will most cer­tain­ly change, and venue oper­a­tors will be faced with the chal­lenge (and oppor­tu­ni­ty) to meet and exceed those re-shaped expec­ta­tions. Watch our video to dis­cov­er 4 trends that we pre­dict will emerge from the age of social dis­tanc­ing, and what they mean for your venue.

Watch: 3 Ways Guest Data Can Help You Optimize Your Business

Watch our video to learn three ways to optimize your business through the power of guest data. By uti­liz­ing tech­nol­o­gy to build guest pro­files with the data you already gath­er before, dur­ing and after a guest’s vis­it, your venue can gain far greater insight into how to bet­ter serve your guests.

Ski Tips for Reopening: Your Guide to "Snow Worries" on Opening Day

Preparing to reopen your resort in the midst of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic is no small task. At acces­so, we’ve been work­ing dili­gent­ly to help our ski clients around the world plan for a safe, efficient and successful reopening. Watch as acces­so Sales Direc­tor Phil Schwartz takes us through the top three things that ski areas should be thinking about leading into this year’s ski season, and read on for your guide to “snow worries” on opening day!

Tools for Reopening with accesso Passport

Whether you man­age a theme park, a ski resort or a muse­um, our acces­so Passport eCom­merce ticketing plat­form can help you max­i­mize online sales and serve your guests safely. Watch as acces­so Passport Client Services Director Jonathan Widergren demos four tools to support safe reopening and read on to dis­cov­er how you can use these features as part of your reopening strategy.

The Ease of Mobile Food Ordering with accesso

Does your technology help facilitate a positive food and beverage experience for your guests? With the right mobile food ordering platform, you can help reduce physical points of contact, drive revenue and improve guest satisfaction. Watch as accesso Senior Sales Director George Hambleton and Vice President of Product Management Jim O’Leary highlight the ease of mobile food ordering with accesso, and read on to see how your venue can leverage the features of our mobile food ordering solution to increase revenue and enhance the guest experience.

accesso Learning Series: Ready to Launch eCommerce!

Discover best practices for reopening safely with our accesso ShoWare ticketing solution! Our highly customizable, easy-to-implement ticketing solution supports speedy eCommerce sales for over 600 venues around the world. With a flexible interface and fast implementation time, the accesso ShoWare system helps venue operators build loyal customers and maximize ticket sales. Watch as accesso ShoWare Sales Director Wendi Yanez walks you through the ease of reopening with a “Ready to Launch” eCommerce demo, and read on to see how you can leverage the features of our accesso ShoWare solution to help your organization.

accesso Learning Series: A Day in the Life of a Skier

One of the biggest challenges facing the ski industry today is attracting and retaining new skiers. In order to keep skiers returning and to ensure healthy season pass sales, it’s critical to focus on delivering an outstanding guest experience every step of the way. This involves not only looking for opportunities to be innovative but also, opportunities to minimize friction your guests may experience throughout their visit. Watch and learn tips for giving your skiers the best experience possible as accesso Senior Sales Director George Hambleton walks us through two very different guest journeys at a ski resort.

accesso Learning Series: The Ease of Waivers with accesso and 1RISK

At accesso, we are dedicated to helping our clients exceed guest expectations through innovative technology solutions. Our integration with 1RISK gives guests a convenient and intuitive experience that can help reduce lengthy check in lines and eliminate the need for paper waiver storage for your organization. Watch as accesso Sales Engineer Lyndsay Jones introduces this time-saving feature in an exciting demo and read on to see how helpful the accesso and 1RISK waiver integration can be for your guests and venue!

accesso Learning Series: Increase Payment Security with accesso and CyberSource

Protecting customer data is critical to the success of any eCommerce operation, and with data breaches on the rise, it’s important to take this seriously. At accesso, we are committed to developing innovative solutions that keep your customers’ data secure. With that in mind, we have partnered with CyberSource to provide a seamless and secure payment experience across different channels, enhancing agility and mitigating risk for our valued client base. Watch as accesso’s Director of Compliance & Payments Michael Wiggins introduces the benefits of this platform in our latest deminar.

accesso Learning Series: Accounting Export

Accounting processes can be tedious and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be that way with our accesso Siriusware point of sale ticketing solution. Our accesso Siriusware Accounting Export module is a highly customizable data export tool specifically made to streamline financial reporting. Watch our demo by accesso Reporting & Integration Software Engineer Tyler Goforth to see how this tool can help you save time and eliminate manual tasks.

accesso Learning Series: Increase Revenue with accesso Passport eCommerce

In a competitive marketplace, the need to increase revenue is always top of mind, but it can be challenging to figure out how best to accomplish this. Luckily, there are simple tools you can utilize on your online ticketing site that are remarkably effective at increasing revenue. Whether you manage a theme park, a ski resort or a museum, our accesso Passport eCommerce platform is here to help your organization maximize your online sales and engage with your customers in the most profitable way. Watch as accesso Sales Director Justin Moore dives into the benefits of this intuitive and engaging eCommerce platform and read on to discover three ideas for driving revenue on your online ticketing site.

accesso Siriusware Food & Beverage: The Total Package

From ski resorts to cultural institutions, attractions around the world share a common goal– to provide a positive guest experience to every person who walks through their entrance. One important component of the guest experience that often gets overlooked is the food and beverage experience. Whether your venue requires quick service, bar service, table service, or even kiosks, our accesso Siriusware Food and Beverage modules feature cutting-edge technology that gives your guests a convenient, engaging and intuitive experience that can help reduce long lines, drive revenue and improve guest satisfaction.

accesso Learning Series: Simplify Your Camp Registration with accesso!

Still using lengthy and easily-misplaced paper forms to track and manage your camp registration? What if we told you there is a better way? Whether you manage a theme park, a ski resort or a museum, our new Camps feature can streamline the online camp registration process for your organization. Watch as accesso Sales Engineer Stephanie Horwath introduces this innovative new feature in a demo and continue reading to uncover how beneficial this feature can be for your venue.

accesso Learning Series: Introducing accesso Siriusware QuickScan!

We are excited to debut the first of three products designed to shape the future of mobile applications for our accesso Siriusware point-of-sale solution – our new QuickScan application! This new solution combines the software of ScanMan with a beautiful, angular front end that is compatible with Android® Mobile, and also includes new features to help you streamline your access control operations onsite.

accesso Learning Series: Amplify Your Marketing with accesso ShoWare Qualifiers!

We’re excited to announce the latest enhancement in our accesso ShoWare box office solution, Location-Based Qualifiers! Qualifiers empower venues to facilitate seamless marketing campaigns. The first phase in this release brought the ability to set performance-level credit card restrictions, meaning that a theatre could offer exclusive AmEx pre-sales for specific performances with just a few clicks in the back-end. With this second phase, it’s even easier to run promotions with special partners and set aside inventory for group sales. Director of Client Success Joe Wettstead and Product Analyst Kate MacBean-Valverde introduce us to the many benefits and opportunities for utilizing Qualifiers Phase 2 and provide a demo in our latest learning series video.

accesso Learning Series: accesso Siriusware Capacity Control

When it’s time for a special event, there’s no greater feeling than knowing you’ve sold exactly 100% of your available tickets. When your systems are out of sync, however, that feeling of satisfaction can quickly turn to anxiety – all it takes is one ticket sold over the threshold to create a customer service nightmare! Fear not, because our accesso Siriusware point-of-sale solution comes equipped with Capacity Control features that help you seamlessly manage your inventory and maximize sales at your venue. Watch our video to see a demo presented by Sales Engineer Stephanie Horwath, and read on to discover best practices for using Capacity Control in a variety of situations.

Print On Demand With Our accesso ShoWare Solution!

At accesso, we are constantly refining our innovative product solutions through new enhancements that increase revenue and streamline processes for our clients. Many of our team members have backgrounds across the leisure and entertainment industries, which allows us to leverage first-hand knowledge of both the guest and operator experience as we develop our products. When we hear about solutions that could reduce operational complexities while driving profitable growth, we do our best to capitalize on those opportunities. One such example is our new Print On Demand feature for our accesso ShoWare event ticketing solution.

No Refund Policy? No Problem. Introducing Ticket Resale with accesso ShoWare!

It’s the day of the big championship game at your ice hockey arena, or perhaps it’s hours before your theatre opens the house for your sold-out matinee. One of your biggest sponsors wants to return some tickets. Maybe it’s an executive who purchased your best luxury suite, or it’s the donor who made a $5,000 contribution to your Education fund. She swings by the box office to make what she expects will be an easy return. Your new ticketing associate, not knowing the identity of this patron, replies with a cheery but firm, “Sorry, no refunds or exchanges." The donor begrudgingly walks away, questioning their continued participation with your organization. But what if we told you there was a way to avoid all of this?