Pets of accesso: Volume 2

Earlier this month, we introduced you to some of our pawsitively purrfect co-workers in Pets of accesso: Volume 1. Truth be told, we had so many submissions to this series that we needed to split it into two! Fur-tunately, this gave us time to brush up on our pet puns and compile this second post. We hope you enjoy getting to know some more of our beloved pets of accesso.
Odin, Lover of Picnics and Playtime

Odin is a 2-year-old merle Pomeranian and a frequent guest on Sales and Marketing team Zoom calls. In his spare time, he enjoys naps, playing fetch and terrorizing his older Chihuahua brothers (MooCow, age 13, and Tristan, age 12). He's also a big fan of taking picnics, where he snags a mouthful of kibble and brings it to his dog bed or the couch, drops the kibble pile and eats one piece at a time. (Valerie Schein, Director, Marketing)
Roo, The Alarm Clock Dog

Meet Roo, named for her Aussie lineage, her big kangaroo-like ears and pet mom Erin’s travel to Australia! Roo recently had her DNA tested and to mom’s surprise, she is a certified mutt and only 16% Australian Cattle dog. Roo enjoys sleeping most of the day, has been known to get into some messy situations with pink highlighter and lipstick while uncrated, and has an amazing internal clock: “At 5pm she starts pacing next to me with a toy. It is like she knows it is past the time of work!” (Erin Mihalik, Product Manager)
Olivia – The Instagram Model

Cat Olivia was adopted by her pet mom, Susana, at the beginning of October, making her one of the newest additions to the pets of accesso family! She enjoys sleeping most of the day and posing in photos for her Instagram account (@olivialacatira). (Susana Colmenares, Regional Director, Latin America)
Chewy -- The Escape Artist

Chewy is a four-year-old Norfolk Terrier who came to pet mom Maura 3 years ago as a stray, rescued from the streets of Lake Mary, FL by Maura’s yoga teacher. The first morning Maura had him, he ran away from her and she had to chase him in the hot September weather before an offsite meeting with our CEO and other executives. “I showed up to the meeting a complete mess, but I caught him!” she shares. (Maura Schiefelbein, Senior Vice President, People)
Remi, Lover of Sleep and Playtime

Remi is a Silver Persian Chinchilla (and brother to fellow felines Winnie and Louie) who likes to spend the workdays doing absolutely nothing, according to pet mom Valery. Although he loves to lay on his back and sleep for most of the day, when he feels like playing, he loves to chase ping pong balls and fetch his toys for hours. “I’m convinced that in a parallel world he was part dog,” says Valery. (Valery Gooch, Marketing Coordinator).
Nala, The Aquatic Golden Retriever

Nala is a 4-year old Golden Retriever, although we suspect she might be part fish: “She increasingly wants to be in or around water at all times,” says pet dad Jonathan. “With quarantine she has gotten very accustomed to lunchtime walks and time in her blue plastic kiddie pool!” When she’s not swimming, she loves keeping Jonathan company on Zoom meetings. (Jonathan Widergren, Director, Product Optimization)
Luna & Frida -- Partners in Crime

Luna and her sister cat Frida are a dynamic duo and always up to something, according to pet dad Matt. Luna loves snow and adventures, and is an avid barker for delivery people (and just about anything else). Frida likes hunting pretty songbirds but apparently lets mice eat from her bowl in the garage. “She likes to attend meetings but doesn’t want to be ignored,” says Matt. (Matt Burt, UI Engineer)
Bonnie & Autumn -- Yard Defenders and Matching Fashionistas

Bonnie and Autumn love keeping the yard safe from squirrels and showing their matching collars off to the neighbors, shares pet dad Jordan. We think they make the most adorable pair of yard-guardians! (Jordan Deveroux, Director, Ticketing Platform and Alyssa Deveroux, Client Solutions Manager)
Sparta – Attention-Seeking Co-Worker

This is Sparta! She is full of personality and is an attention seeking co-worker, according to pet mom Megan. Known adversaries include all keyboards, pens and monitors. Sparta enjoys climbing backs, surprise jumps, destroying puzzles (good luck finding that last piece), biting cheeks (no need for an alarm clock), watching birds and zipping through open doors. But despite her warrior spirit, she is still “a big cuddle bug” who gives “all the warm fuzzies... on her own terms, of course.” (Megan Davis, Product Manager)
We hope you enjoyed getting to know some of the pets of accesso! To learn more about life at accesso, check out our careers page.