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Innovation Blooms at Powerscourt Estate: New **accesso®** Mobile App Enhances Visitor Exploration

Innovation Blooms at Powerscourt Estate: New accesso® Mobile App Enhances Visitor Exploration

Wicklow, Ireland, (May 29th, 2024) – accessoTechnology Group (AIM: ACSO), the premier technology solutions provider for attractions and venues worldwide, has worked with Powerscourt Estate and Gardens to introduce an exciting new Powerscourt Gardens Audio Tour app, enhancing visitor engagement and sustainability efforts in the heart of County Wicklow, Ireland.

**accesso®** Brings the **ShoWare<sup>SM<sup>** Ticketing Suite to UK Venues

accesso® Brings the ShoWareSM Ticketing Suite to UK Venues

Twyford, UK (23 April 2024) – accesso Technology Group (AIM: ACSO), the premier technology solutions provider for leisure, entertainment and cultural markets is proud to announce the introduction of its renowned accesso ShoWare Software as a Service (SaaS) ticketing suite into the UK market.

accesso® to Collaborate with Pro Football Hall of Fame to Elevate Visitor Experience with New, Interactive Mobile App

ORLANDO, Fla. (Feb. 29, 2024)accessoTechnology Group (AIM: ACSO), the premier technology solutions provider for attractions and venues worldwide, has announced a new collaboration with the Pro Football Hall of Fame (“the Hall”), introducing a new, cutting-edge app designed to enhance the experience and boost engagement for visitors to the Hall’s renowned museum in Canton, Ohio.

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