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Guest Experience

Give Your Guests the Personalized, Immersive Experiences They Crave.​

Treat every guest like your only guest. Each person who visits your venue is unique. Give them exactly the experience they are looking for with personalized messages, recommendations and offers designed to help them have the best day possible. With our guest experience management platform, The Experience Engine (TE2), you can deliver personalization at scale.​

  • Gain Guest Insights​

    Connect existing guest data from disparate systems to better understand your guests and how they interact with your venue.​

  • Personalize at Scale

    Leverage your existing customer data along with real-time location and behavior to deliver personalized, contextual content at just the right time. ​

  • Make Guests Happier​

    Eliminate friction points and elevate the guest experience, resulting in increased loyalty, advocacy and NPS.​

  • Drive Per Cap Spend​

    Remove barriers to purchase and encourage onsite spend with relevant offers that are exactly the right fit.​

Personalize the Guest Experience

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Alleviate Friction Points​

With limited time to do and see it all, the last thing you want is for your guests to encounter frustrations — what to do first, where to find what they need, how to navigate your venue. Address pain points and deliver positive experiences through special offers, walking directions and insider tips that arrive at just the right time. The same long lines and crowded areas that frustrate visitors also cause pain for your employees. Leverage real-time conditions to influence visitor behavior for positive operational impacts. ​

Guide Your Guests to a Better Day​

Your guests are looking for stress-free and memorable experiences that are tailored to their unique needs in the moment. Help your guests navigate their perfect day at your venue with our guest experience management platform, which allows you to connect with your guests in real time and provide relevant offers, messages and recommendations.​

Increase Revenue. Maximize ROI.​

Unlock the incredible potential for additional revenue streams within your venue. Educate your marketing, inform your operations and elevate your guests to higher levels of spending and loyalty. Using our TE2 guest experience management platform, you can gain powerful data insights that help you effectively direct your investments for maximum growth.​

  • Move Inventory

    Trigger incentive offers to drive sales of low-performing inventory​.

  • Up-sell

    Send compelling up-sell messages to step guests into richer experience.

  • Power Mobile Payments

    Empower impromptu purchasing with easy mobile payments.

  • Cultivate Loyalty

    Drive repeat visits, guest loyalty and NPS​.

  • Master Your Marketing

    Increase effectiveness of your campaigns with data insights.

  • Focus Your Efforts

    Optimize your operations by better understanding how your guests experience your location.


Personalize the Guest Experience​

Utilize your existing data to connect guests with curated experiences, offers and recommendations at just the right time.

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